Difficulty Praying the Rosary Daily

For many people, praying the rosary regularly and consistently is a real challenge. Then, for many, there is the additional difficulty of getting the hang of meditating on the mysteries while going through the Hail Marys and other prayers…

Here’s an idea:

Whenever you do manage to pray the rosary, offer it for this intention:
For the grace to pray the rosary more consistently and more fruitfully.

I really think our Blessed Mother wants us to pray her rosary daily. All of the popes of the modern era have recommended it (rather a lot of times, in fact); and in every apparition of Our Lady that has been approved by the Church, Mary has told us to pray her rosary.

If she really wants us to pray it, she will obtain the graces we need to do so. Pray for that, try to stick with it, see what happens. Obedience.